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A request for leave from all Kitagawa sent from Motohiro Kasahara to Mr. Inoue

This is an email sent by Motohiro Kasahara to Mr. Inoue.

As for the contents, all Kitagawa cannot go to the meeting because of the illness according to the attached medical certificate. This is the fact that I received an email from you, but the address is << Director Inoue >>.

That is, as of July 19, when Motohiro Kasahara sent this email to Mr. Inoue, all of Kitagawa was already in a state where he could not carry out all his duties. It means that he was familiar with the fact.

Despite this, Motohiro Kasahara told overseas patent lawyers and the Japan Patent Office in August, a month later, << Alblast does not have a director named Inoue. I am sending a document called ≫.

That is, it is a fabrication.

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